Community College Resources


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Resources for community college members

Union Media

  • CFT United is the all-union email newsletter with sections specific to the issues of community college faculty and staff.
  • Part-Timer addresses issues of import to part-time faculty in the community colleges and is emailed to part-time faculty members.
  • AFT Voices on Campus is a blog on that features member and leader reports on issues facing higher education throughout the nation.
  • AFT Higher Education is a regularly published email newsletter for higher education faculty and professional staff.

Organizing Materials

Community College Council Fact Sheet: A one-page summary of CFT union representation in the California community colleges. 

Useful Links

A New Deal for Higher Education
AFT, and in turn CFT, are active members of this national movement that calls for reauthorizing the Higher Education Act and creating other federal policies that establish dedicated public funding streams and hold administrations accountable for how those monies are spent.

Local union contracts in the California community colleges
This valuable resource is maintained by Cabrillo College multimedia instructor and CFT Vice President John Govsky. 

English Language Learners Toolkit
The CFT English Language Learners Committee has prepared a comprehensive online toolkit for students and families. It contains information and resources for ESL students in adult schools and community colleges and ELLs in preK-12 schools.

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office 
The official online home of the state’s community colleges.

California Community College Registry 
A large-scale database containing the names, qualifications and desired position of potential California Community College faculty.

Academic Senate for California Community Colleges 
Keep up on the statewide Academic Senate.

Retirement System

CalSTRS The retirement system for K-12 teachers and community college faculty working in public schools and colleges. The CFT monitors CalSTRS actions and sends a representative to its board meetings.


Faculty Salary Comparison Studies
CFT's comprehensive comparisons of full-time and part-time salaries in the community colleges

Each year the CFT Research Department provides a comparison of faculty salaries in the 72 districts of the California community college system (no faculty salary information is provided for Calbright). 


For full-time faculty, we compare five points on each salary schedule. We rank districts on each of the points and calculate the average, highest, lowest, third and first quartile salaries. 


For part-time faculty, our intent is to offer a like-for-like comparison of all districts based on an hourly rate. We choose five data points, but they vary slightly from those analyzed in the full-time report. We then compare these results to full-time salaries by calculating an adjusted hourly rate based on full-time salary.