Delegates overwhelmingly cast their votes for CFT President Joshua Pechthalt, who won 93 percent of the vote in a contested election. Secretary Treasurer Jeff Freitas was reelected by acclamation.
Of 24 vice presidents, 22 were reelected. New faces on the Executive Council are Linda Chan, a part-time instructor of astronomy and physics from the Glendale College Guild; and Luukia Smith, a fiscal services cashier and president of the El Camino Classified Employees. John Perez, president of the new Council of Retired Members joins as ex officio. (See full list of CFT Vice Presidents.)
The Early Childhood/TK-12 Council has new officers with the retirement of Gary Ravani. Delegates elected as president Rico Tamayo of the El Rancho Federation; as senior vice president Elaine Merriweather of United Educators of San Francisco; as northern vice president Steven McDougall of the Salinas Valley Federation; as southern vice president Ingrid Gunnellof United Teachers Los Angeles; and as secretary, Tanya Golden from the ABC Federation.
The Council of Classified Employees reelected incumbent officers with contested races held for each post.