News Releases
The CFT released the following statement on the Governor’s May Revision of the Budget
The members of CFT, after working hard to pass Proposition 30, are pleased that the governor is focused on strengthening public education funding with the increased tax revenues. But educators know that California remains a long way from adequate funding for the quality of education and services that our students and their families need and deserve.
CFT leaders challenge college accreditation agency
Complaint alleges conflicts of interest, violations of law Yesterday the California Federation of Teachers (CFT) and its City College San Francisco (CCSF) affiliate, AFT 2121, filed a complaint or “third party comment” with the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), and sent a copy to the United States Department of Education (USDOE).
Michelle Rhee, Once More, Fast and Loose with the Truth By Joshua Pechthalt
“When will the Teflon wear off?” is a question many have asked about Michelle Rhee, self-proclaimed public school advocate, but in practice, tip of the spear for the school privatization industry.
AB 1199 Overwhelmingly Passes Assembly Higher Education Committee
Would stabilize colleges facing accreditation sanctions AB 1199, aimed at stabilizing state funding for community colleges facing severe accreditation sanction, overwhelmingly passed out of the Assembly Higher Education Committee today.
California Federation of Teachers Re-Elects Top Leadership Team at Annual Convention
Sacramento – CFT President Joshua Pechthalt, Secretary-Treasurer Jeff Freitas, and Senior Vice-President Lacy Barnes were re-elected by acclamation in an election held at the CFT’s 71st annual convention – a solid show of support for the policies pursued over the past two years by the leadership team.
Statement on AB 375 and AB 1338 from CFT President Joshua Pechthalt
The CFT welcomes the action by Senator Padilla today in withdrawing SB 10. We agree with Assembly member Buchanan’s thoughtful approach to ensuring the safety of our students in AB 375 and AB 1338 while preserving due process rights for school employees.
S.F. Supervisors Pass Resolution Urging Support of Assembly Bill 1199 to Help Community Colleges Facing Accreditation Sanctions
SAN FRANCISCO, CA—By a unanimous vote, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday passed Supervisor Eric Mar’s resolution supporting Assembly Bill 1199 (AB1199, Fong), urging the California State Legislature to create a “smoothing formula” to assist colleges operating under a probation or “show cause” sanction that are experiencing current year enrollment-related funding losses.
CFT-sponsored 2013 Legislation
55% Majority for Local School Parcel Taxes, Classroom Security
SACRAMENTO, CA – The California Federation of Teachers (CFT)
today announced that it is sponsoring several bills for the
2013-14 legislative session.
Eric Garcetti for Mayor of Los Angeles
The California Federation of Teachers announced today that it has endorsed the candidacy of Los Angeles Councilman Eric Garcetti for Mayor of Los Angeles.
UC-AFT Leader Helps Lead National Campaign for Higher Education Funding
Sacramento, CA – The California Federation of Teachers (CFT), AFT, AFLCIO, today released a statement by Bob Samuels, UC-AFT president, a leader of the nation-wide Campaign for the Future of Higher Education.
CFT president Joshua Pechthalt issued the following statement today in response to Governor Brown’s 2013 State of the State address:
“The broad outline of the vision laid out by Governor Brown for California is one that the members of the California Federation of Teachers can agree with. We applaud Governor Brown for his stewardship of the state budget…”
The California Federation of Teachers issued the following statement today in response to Governor Brown’s State Budget proposal:
Thanks to the influx of revenues from Proposition 30, the Governor has begun to restore funding for education and other important programs hurt by years of budget cuts, and we support his stated intention…
New animated cartoon weighs in on Congressional debate Ed Asner narrates Tax the rich: An animated fairy tale
Sacramento, CA – The California Federation of Teachers (CFT), AFT, AFLCIO, today released an animated video narrated by Ed Asner that lays out the case for fair taxation.
In case you missed it…San Francisco Chronicle – Wield the power of the supermajority
Progressive activists joined Gov. Jerry Brown, Democrats and state legislative leaders to pass Proposition 30, the ballot measure to raise taxes to protect public schools and social services. We would have preferred not to do so.
Statements on Propositions 30 and 32 from CFT President Joshua Pechthalt
Educators are overjoyed that Proposition 30 passed. In standing up for public education and social services, a majority of Californians declared that we can turn the Golden State around.
8th Grader Can’t Vote, So She Makes Yes on 30 Appeal:
Gov. Brown Can’t Help with Your Homework, But Prop 30 Can
On Proposition 30 Educators are overjoyed that Proposition 30
passed. In standing up for public education and social services,
a majority of Californians declared that we can turn the Golden
State around. The huge blizzard of deceptive and scary political
advertising couldn’t obscure the reality that our schools are
underfunded. The people have spoken…
Governor Brown Spoke at UCLA Rally for Prop 30
Los Angeles — California Governor Jerry Brown spoke at a noon rally on Tuesday, October 16, in UCLA’s Bruin Plaza on behalf of Proposition 30, the only measure on the November 6 ballot that will prevent further cuts to education
Community Groups Call for End to Negative Attacks on Prop 30
Clergy, students, teachers, parents ask for end to negative
attack ads
Los Angeles – A coalition of parents, students, community groups
and faith-based organizations supporting Proposition 30 today
called for an end to negative attack ads against Prop 30 funded
by millionaire Molly Munger and the Proposition 38 campaign. The
coalition, Reclaim California’s Future, is committed to raising
revenue for California schools and services, and made the case
that negative ads will ultimately harm chances of any revenue
measure passing.
Statement of Carl Friedlander President of The California Federation of Teachers Community College Council
Statement presented before the California Community Colleges Board of Governors Special Meeting on Community College of San Francisco
California Federation of Teachers Congratulates Brice Harris on Appointment as Chancellor of California Community Colleges
Looks Forward to Collaborating During “Worst Period for
California Community College Students”
Sacramento, CA – The California Federation of Teachers
congratulates Brice Harris on his appointment as chancellor of
California’s community college system. Joshua Pechthalt, CFT
president, said, “Chancellor Harris comes in at a time when our
community colleges have suffered years of cuts and loss of
classes, at a time when the demand for expanding the mission of
our community colleges has never been greater…