Require Economic and Environmental Impact Reports before charter schools are approved
March 24, 2019
Whereas, the proliferation of charter schools has caused many public and charter schools to be under-enrolled; and
Whereas, many neighborhoods are saturated with schools; and
Whereas, traffic and safety concerns are often ignored when new charter schools are built; and
Whereas, renters and homeowners are being pushed out of neighborhoods they’ve lived in for decades through gentrification; and
Whereas, resources and money should be used to support existing schools;
Therefore, be it resolved, that new charter schools shall not negatively impact the enrollment of already established schools in the neighborhood; and
Be it further resolved, that
CFT will support or sponsor legislation and local municipal
policies that would require an Economic Impact Report, Facility
Impact Report, and a California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Impact Report prior to a charter school being authorized and/or
built and/or co- located on present district campuses.
- Passed as Resolution 4 by CFT Convention March 24, 2019
- Submitted by the EC/TK-12 Council