Dismantling systemic racism
March 27, 2021


Whereas, CFT strongly believes in combating racism and advocating for social justice and has publicly announced support of the Black Lives Matter national movement; and

Whereas, CFT has an obligation to address structural racism by not only condemning racism and white supremacy, but also by proactively working toward systemic change to end white supremacy, anti-Black racism, and institutional racism in the California education system; and

Whereas, teachers, instructors, professors, administrators, and staff of color (especially Black people) are only a fraction of the total employees on schools and college campuses; and

Whereas, programs for hiring and retention of employees of color should be established and supported; and

Whereas, Black students continue to receive academically inferior education relative to their historical achievements and contributions; and

Whereas, white and other students are affected by culturally biased curriculum; and

Whereas, students of color have a higher suspension, expulsion, and dropout rate; and

Whereas, young Black men continue to be incarcerated at alarming rates compared to their white counterparts and also have the lowest enrollment numbers on high school and college campuses; and

Whereas, CFT leadership, staff, and union officers (statewide through local unions) should be representative of the students and communities we serve;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the CFT continue to work toward passing legislation that would mandate Ethnic Studies requirements for secondary schools and universities; and

Be if further resolved, that the CFT will encourage practices to provide opportunities to develop diverse leaders; and

Be it further resolved, that the CFT will continue its affirmative action hiring program so that the staff reflects the diversity of its membership; and

Be it further resolved, that CFT encourage local leaders to work to increase the hiring of faculty, administrators, and staff of color in school districts throughout California; and

Be it finally resolved, that CFT support legislation to increase ethnic diversity within the ranks of school employees.