Legislative Update
May 16, 2024

Results of First Suspense Hearing of 2024; 16 CFT Bills Pass, 5 Held on Suspense

May 16, 2024

Download and view the State Budget Update | May 16, 2024

Legislative rules require bills that create new fiscal impacts be assigned to the Committee on Appropriations after successful passage from a policy committee.  Any bill that is assumed to have over a certain cost is automatically placed on a list, so that each of these bills can be assessed in context of one another as well as the current budget predictions for the next fiscal year. This process is known as “placing a bill on the suspense file,” which is later dispensed with at a particular hearing, which happened today. Bills may either move “off of suspense” and be passed to the floor, move off of suspense with amendments for a floor vote, or be “held on suspense” where the bill remains–likely for the remainder of the legislative session. Here are the results for CFT-sponsored legislation from today’s suspense hearing, along with a few other notable bill actions:

Senate Appropriations
CFT Sponsored Legislation

SB 1182 (Gonzales) – Establishes the Master Plan for Healthy, Sustainable, and Climate-Resilient Schools. Pass, with minor amendments.

SB 1205 (Laird) – Protects worker’s access to medical treatment for workers’ compensation related injury during the workday. Pass, with amendment requiring workers to use existing leave, if available.

SB 1388 (Archuleta) – Community College Reserve Fund Cap. Held on suspense.


CFT Supported Legislation

SB 907 (Newman) – Increases the number of members of the Orange County Board of Education to 7. Passes to the floor.

SB 1056 (Rubio) – Establishes mandatory Kindergarten. Held on suspense.

SB 1248 (Hurtado) – Requires schools to develop and implement policies regarding extreme weather that trigger modifications to physical activities. Passes to the floor.

SB 1263 (Newman) – Eliminates the requirement for a teacher preparation program to include a teaching performance assessment (TPA) leading to teaching credentials. Pass, with minor amendments.

SB 1288 (Becker) – Establishes a workgroup to create guidance on the use of “Artificial Intelligence” in TK-12 public schools. Pass, with minor amendments.

SB 1327 (Glazer) – Establishes a tax credit for local media companies, paid for by a data extraction fee on large companies that use consumer data for profit. Pass, with amendments.

SB 1341 (Allen) – Expands visual and performing arts to also include media arts. Passes to the floor.

SB 1380 (Dodd) – Expands the ability for school districts to deny a charter on fiscal grounds, and testify in denial appeals. Pass, with amendments.

SB 1446 (Smallwood-Cuevas) – reduces the encroachment of self-checkout options at stores on jobs of human beings. Pass, with amendments.


Assembly Appropriations
CFT sponsored legislation

AB 2088 (McCarty) – Classified worker right of first refusal for new jobs or additional available hours. Pass, with minor amendments.

AB 2245 (J. Carrillo) – ROC/P Instructor Permanency. Pass to the floor.

AB 2404 (Lee) – Public sector workers’ right to respect a picket line. Held on suspense.

AB 2652 (Muratsuchi) – AI in education work group. Held on suspense. 

AB 2971 (Maienschein) – Classified Workforce Workloads. Didn’t go to suspense and is currently eligible for a floor vote.

AB 3106 (Schiavo) – Paid sick leave for COVID positive workers. Held on suspense.

CFT Supported Legislation

AB 2200 (Kalra) – CalCare, a new universal single-payer health care system. Held on suspense.

AB 2586 (Alvarez) – Provides employment opportunities for students with undocumented status. Pass to the floor. 

AB 2901 (Aguiar-Curry) – Up to 14 weeks of pregnancy-related leave for education employees. Pass, with amendments.

ACA 14 (Ortega) – Basic labor standards for University of California. Pass to the floor  


This report was prepared by the CFT Legislative Department.

Tristan Brown, Legislative Representative, tbrown@cft.org
Telephone (916) 446-2788