Crash Course for New Presidents
Webinar Series - Session 1
Everything a Local President needs to know to run an effective AFT Local Union
This five-session course is designed for local presidents elected within the last two years, and those wanting a refresher course. We will cover the basic knowledge you need as an AFT Local President, provide participatory training on useful leadership skills, and allow you to share best practices and challenges leader to leader.
Date | Topics Covered | |
SESSION 1 | Aug 5 |
How AFT, CFT, and your Local Union function together, resources available to help in your work, opportunities to participate in union events and governance bodies. The vital signs of effective unions. |
SESSION 2 | Aug 12 |
How to organize members to make your local union stronger and more effective. |
SESSION 3 | Aug 19 |
Best practices in communicating with your members and the public. How to identify, recruit and develop other union leaders. |
SESSION 4 | Aug 26 |
How to plan and run effective meetings. |
SESSION 5 | Sep 2 |
Legal requirements of running unions that every officer should know, including the Duty of Fair Representation, membership status changes, record retention, and more. |
Who should attend?
This course will prioritize participation of current local union presidents seated within the last two years, and those who will be seated as presidents during 2020.
Note: For certain training topics, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with your local union Constitution and Bylaws and the most recent collective bargaining agreement.
Register for the webinar series
You will register only once to attend the entire series of five webinars. There is no registration fee. Participants are expected to attend all sessions.
After you register here on the CFT website, you will receive an email confirmation of your registration from CFT. In advance of each session, you will receive a link to the Zoom webinar.
The trainings will be held weekly on Wednesdays from 4 pm to 6 pm on the dates below.
- Wednesday, August 5
- Wednesday, August 12
- Wednesday, August 19
- Wednesday, August 26
- Wednesday, September 2
About the Webinar Series
This webinar will be presented through Zoom videoconferencing. The email with Zoom connection information will contain the link to join the videoconference from your PC, Mac, iOS or Android device, as well as the phone number if you choose to call in. We highly recommend you attend the webinar on a computer to get maximum benefit from the series.You will also receive a helpful email reminder from Zoom one hour before the webinar begins.