Support universal distance learning training standard in the community colleges
June 12, 2021


Whereas, many contingent faculty work at multiple institutions of higher education; and

Whereas, community colleges and universities regularly hire contingent faculty; and

Whereas, contingent faculty are required to hold the same academic qualifications and credentials as their full-time colleagues; and

Whereas, qualified contingent faculty are rehired for years; and

Whereas, contingent faculty have significant familiarity with the academic standards, curriculum, personnel, and culture of the institutions in which they work, thereby aiding in student success initiatives and other institutional goals; and

Whereas, due to the pandemic, all faculty are expected to be proficient in remote instruction delivery; and

Whereas, there are clearly established standards set by the Online Education Initiative; and

Whereas, districts and institutions set their own proficiency standards and may not recognize reciprocity; and

Whereas, contingent faculty teaching at multiple institutions may be expected to undergo different trainings to be certified to teach distance education courses at each institution;

Therefore, be it resolved, that CFT advocate to the Chancellor’s Office and the State Academic Senate for districts to establish reciprocity agreements with other institutions to accept training from other institutions; and

Be it further resolved, that CFT advocate to the Chancellor’s Office and the State Academic Senate for one universally accepted training for proficiency in remote delivery be adopted statewide; and

Be it finally resolved, that CFT support legislation that would require higher education institutions to appropriately and equitably compensate faculty who participate in remote education training.