Support free public transportation for students, early childhood through college
March 24, 2019


Whereas, students may struggle financially and/or with safety issues to get to school; and

Whereas, helping students get to school increases student achievement and reduces absences; and

Whereas, getting students to school increases Average Daily Attendance (ADA) revenue; and

Whereas, districts across the state have reduced or eliminated school transportation services at the peril of ADA revenue; and

Whereas, during the UTLA strike the city of Los Angeles allowed students free public transportation; and

Whereas, increasing the use of public transportation cuts down on pollution and traffic;

Therefore, be it resolved, that the California Federation of Teachers sponsor or support legislation that would allow students, from early childhood through college, to use public transportation for free.

  • Passed as Resolution 14 by CFT Convention on March 24, 2019
  • Submitted by the Executive Council