Members and leaders from local unions throughout the state got a chance to bend the ears of California lawmakers on January 28 at CFT Legislative Reception.

At the event, which took place in the Eureka Dining Room in the State Capitol, CFT officers, members of the Executive Council, and rank-and-file members mingled with assemblymembers, senators, and their staffs to discuss the union’s priorities for the coming year.

“The Legislative Reception was a great opportunity to connect with my elected representatives in Sacramento, and others around the state,” said Monica Casey, president of the Daly City-based Jefferson AFT Federation of Teachers, Local 1481. 

Casey encourages more members and local union leaders to take advantage of future receptions. “I had numerous conversations with the lawmakers and enjoyed talking with them about what our students and our schools need to succeed.”

That thought was echoed by Jim Mahler, president of the AFT Guild, Local 1931, representing San Diego and Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College Districts. 

“CFT creating this opportunity for us to meet with legislators is really important for our relationships and priorities in the Capitol,” explained Mahler, also president of CFT’s Community College Council and chair of the CFT Legislative Committee. 

“I was able to talk about our concerns with the Calbright College, allocations in the state budget, and our upcoming legislation. Meeting one-on-one like this is just so important.”