Treasurers Training: Financial Stewardship for a Strong Local Union
Webinar Series – Session 2

Training Administrative Services

This comprehensive five-part training will put you at ease and provide you practical tools to effectively carry out your role and responsibilities as a local union treasurer. It is designed for local treasurers, new and experienced, whose responsibilities include maintaining the union’s financial records and reports. Using a hands-on format, financial experts will share examples of best practices essen­tial in union administration. Learn how to:

  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of officers, including the treasurer
  • Learn how to calculate and pay AFT and CFT per capitas
  • Define and manage governmental compliance (IRS reporting, Department of Labor, etc.)
  • Prepare and manage the union’s annual budget
  • Learn COPE (Committee on Political Education) requirements and procedures
  • Implement sound financial controls and account­ing practices


This five-part course will be held Monday, August 17 through Friday, August 21. The trainings will start each day at 4 pm and end at 6:30 pm.

Note: The per capita and budget exercises will be done in Microsoft Excel. If you are new to Excel or would like a refresher, we are offering an entry level Excel training on Tuesday, August 18 at 3 pm.

  Date Time Topics Covered
SESSION 1 Aug 17 4–6:30 pm

Course overview and introductions

  Aug 18 3 pm Microsoft Excel training (optional)
SESSION 2 Aug 18 4–6:30 pm

Per capitas, budgets and COPE presentation

SESSION 3 Aug 19 4–6:30 pm

Budget review and exercises

SESSION 4 Aug 20 4–6:30 pm

Financial audit presentation and exercises

SESSION 5 Aug 21 4–6:30 pm

IRS forms presentation and exercises

Who should attend?

This course is for individuals who handle the local union finances and/or anyone who has been designated by the president of your local to attend.

Register for webinar series now closed

Registration is no longer open. After your initial registration on the CFT website, you will have received an email confirmation of your registration from CFT.  In advance of each session, you will receive a link to the Zoom webinar. 

About the Webinar Series
This webinar will be presented through Zoom videoconferencing. The email with Zoom connection information will contain the link to join the videoconference from your PC, Mac, iOS or Android device, as well as the phone number if you choose to call in. We highly recommend you attend the webinar on a computer to get maximum benefit from the series.You will also receive a helpful email reminder from Zoom one hour before the webinar begins.