Legal Advocacy Fund and Strategic Organizing Fund Special Assessment
March 24, 2018


Constitutional Amendment

Article II: Finance, Section 6 of the CFT Bylaws is amended to read:

Section 6. Special Assessment

  1. Effective April 1, 2018, and ending August 31, 2020, two dollars ($2.00) or proportional share of each unit member’s monthly per capita on a twelve-month basis shall be separately assessed. This special assessment may be rescinded by a two-thirds vote at the Convention or by a majority vote of the Executive Council.
    1. $1.00 of this special assessment shall be directly placed into the CFT Legal Advocacy and Fight Back Fund. The CFT Legal Advocacy and Fight Back Fund shall be used for proactive and defensive CFT statewide legal actions and shall be maintained as a revolving fund under the direction of the CFT Executive Council. The Secretary Treasurer will provide reports of the CFT Legal Advocacy and Fight Back Fund at each Executive Council and State Council meeting.
    2. $1.00 of this special assessment shall be placed into the Strategic Organizing Fund. The Strategic Organizing Fund shall be used for internal and external organizing and shall be maintained as a revolving fund under the direction of the CFT Executive Council.
  • Passed as Constitutional Amendment 5 on March 25, 2018
  • Submitted by the Executive Council