Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Working People

News Release

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:  Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Statement from CFT President Joshua Pechthalt

Friedrichs Decision a Blow to Corporate Special Interests

“Earlier today, working men and women across this country heard some welcome news: The United States Supreme Court ruled 4-4 in the Friedrichs v. CTA lawsuit. This is a victory for those who believe in fairness and the importance of having a voice on the job, good benefits and just wages. This is also a defeat for those corporate special interests fixated on weakening the collective will of millions of Americans while rigging both our economy and our democracy in their own favor.

“While this is a day to rejoice, it does not mean that our struggle is over. The deep-pocketed backers of the Friedrichs lawsuit and others will not simply give up. But their attacks, along with the Supreme Court’s ruling and the resilience of CFT’s members, only strengthen our resolve.
“Lawsuits such as Friedrichs v CTA and Vergara v California have been nothing but distractions. With Friedrichs now settled, it’s time that we shift our focus back to what’s important: Working to ensure that we have the best education system possible for the state of California. We have been given the gift of time, and we will use this time effectively on behalf of our members and our students and be ready for the next fight to come.”


The California Federation of Teachers represents more than 100,000 education employees in public and private schools, from Head Start through the University of California. It is affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO.