Order campaign materials!


You may now order materials from CFT in just a few clicks!

Please note: The AFT’s Biden-Harris t-shirts are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Your local may order a maximum of 20 shirts. You will be sent an assortment of sizes unless you specify differently (and the sizes requested are still available). Also, because the CFT was provided a limited quantity of shirts, we may not have all the sizes you desire.

Bonus! We will include about 20 Prop 15 stickers with each order. If you want more than that, please specify the quantity below. 


Materials will be shipped by UPS. No PO boxes please.


Please indicate quantities in the fields below.

The window sign dimensions are 26 in x 13 in.

A local may order a maximum of 20 t-shirts. CFT will send an assortment of sizes, skewing toward the larger side. You may also specify the quantity of sizes here and we will try to provide those until quantities run out. Please note: Because the CFT was provided a limited quantity of t-shirts, we may not have the sizes you desire.