Organizing for Equity in Higher Education – CANCELED
Part-Time and Contract Faculty Conference

Event Training Department


  • The Organizing for Equity in Higher Education Conference has been canceled due to the threat of coronavirus. The CFT is taking the COVID-19 spread very seriously and is following the guidance of state and local agencies that have the professional and scientific background to guide us.
  • Please cancel your travel and hotel reservations for April 17-18 as soon as possible. Most airlines are waiving any fees, and if you have a Southwest Airlines ticket, you can use those funds for a future flight.
  • Regarding hotel reservations at the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport, if you booked a room yourself, please call the hotel (650-347-1234) and cancel asap. If you have any difficulties and need assistance from the CFT, please email Angelica Vargas.
  • The  CFT hopes to reschedule the conference and is currently considering future dates and locations. Registration will re-open when the conference is rescheduled.


Join us at this CFT conference that will bring together part-time faculty in the community colleges, lecturers at the University of California, and part-time faculty at private universities to  focus on part-time issues and advocacy.

The program will highlight challenges, best practices, and legislative priorities concerning part-time faculty and lecturers. The conference will include useful workshops and provide opportunities to network so as to share successful campaigns, collective bargaining solutions and organizing strategies. There will be time to socialize as well. 


Registration Closed Until Further Notice

  • The conference has been postponed due to the threat of coronavirus. Registration will reopen when the conference is rescheduled.
  • To ensure participation from locals throughout the state, the CFT is asking local unions to nominate their representatives to the conference. 

Tentative Schedule


1 p.m. Registration Opens

4 p.m. Opening Plenary

6 p.m. Dinner

8 p.m. Social Time and Networking


8 a.m. Breakfast

9 a.m. Morning Plenary

10:45 a.m. Workshops - Panel Presentations

12 p.m. Lunch

1 p.m. Workshops - Facilitated Discussion and Planning

2:15 p.m. Closing Plenary

3 p.m. Adjourn

Tentative Workshop Offerings

  • Increasing Faculty Diversity
  • Academic Freedom
  • Tackling the Student Debt Crisis
  • Local Campaigns for Equity
  • Overcoming Challenges to Adjunct Organizing
  • Part-Time Faculty and Shared Governance

Tentative Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker Assemblymember Jose Medina, D-Riverside, serves as Chair of the Assembly Higher Education Committee. He will speak on Saturday. 

Medina is a former part-time faculty member himself and because of his outstanding legislative advocacy on behalf of adjunct faculty, the CFT named Medina Legislator of the Year in 2016.

Learn more about Medina in this CFT profile of the assemblymember.